I consider 22 my lucky number and respectively 2022 to be my lucky year!
Therefore, my goals for 2022 are to fulfill those of 2021, which I was supposed to reach in 2020, because this is what I promised in 2019 since these goals were not achieved in 2018.
Yep—sounds like a pandemic MOTTO for many of us, but life is good, and we need to move on.
I still consider that I achieved many of my goals from 2018…but as a destination only!
The year of 2019 went from STOP…to EASY…to STOP…to FAST…to STOP again!
I always keep my chin up, but like everyone else, my state of mind dramatically impacted how I perceived the virus’s effect and its consequences. I was trying to look for the positive side of life, and with ups and downs, I managed to go through 2020, I will say, with a breeze!
We had so many lemons in 2020 that we started making lemonade!

Since the pandemic started, I have been looking for the day when I will be called to get my vaccine. I know there are millions of pros and cons regarding this topic, but it was the solution, in my opinion. Based on my age, I was supposed to wait until around August 2020, but I am still so young at heart (actually, it is true that my nickname is Duracell); therefore, when the government offered AZ for anyone with a strong “heart,” I was first in line!
I did my research—I consider that you need to make an informed decision.
If you ever met me, you may know from now that for me, the vaccine ingredients are:
1. hugs
2. trips
3. dinner with friends
4. movies
5. shows
6. restaurant dinners
7. handshakes
8. open borders
9. freedom to stay home when you decide to do so
Shortly after, as a Chair of the Halton Newcomer Strategy, I was invited to tell my opinion about the vaccine to Halton residents, and here is what I had to say at minute 2.37:
In my language, Romanian, we have a magical word, and it is precious and beautiful and impossible to translate, and every Romanian speaker is in love with this word: DOR. The word is a noun encompassing all the feelings and sentiments in three letters.
I am looking for a promising 2022 after the last two very challenging years.
I invited my friends to start the journey with me and offered them a free "map drawing workshop." Since 2020 the entire world has been a nightmare; I consider that it is finally time to move on. The universe always gives us clues regarding what to do, but we ignore them and believe it can be done differently. Month by month, I will guide them on how to draw the map, but they are the ones holding the crayons. The box holds the power to believe that the goals are achievable, the commitment to make that happen, and the freedom to do it!
I will talk about my goals at the end of 2022 when I’ll share my map with you! But until that time, I will disclose one of my goals: EVERY MONTH I WANT TO READ A BOOK!
Karma put in my hands in January a book that was launched during this period of time.

I truly believe that leadership is not just about being in the office or workplace; it is living a life of integrity in which your actions align with your personal list of values and beliefs. If you did not read the book yet, I strongly encourage you to put the book on your list!
“The reflection one sees of oneself in the mirror is the legacy that ultimately matters. I have strived to live a life of principle and values, to reflect the best of what I have been taught is important in life. I keep looking in the mirror as part of the striving to make sure I am doing my part to honour the past, change the present, and build a stronger future. The Journey continues”–Jody Wilson-Raybould
2 thoughts on “The GOAL is just the destination. You need to draw the MAP!”
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Very well said! All the good wishes and luck in 2022!
Thank you so much Laura! Same to you and your loved ones!