I would describe myself as an adventurous and creative individual, always seeking new experiences and challenges. Overcoming obstacles is just a natural part of who I am, and each year...
I consider 22 my lucky number and respectively 2022 to be my lucky year! Therefore, my goals for 2022 are to fulfill those of 2021, which I was supposed to...
Cel mai lung drum si cea mai lunga poveste! Cam asa a inceput povestea in vara lui 2020, ca tot pe blog anuntam venirea ei in Burlington, Ontario, Canada: https://gabrielacovaci.com/2020/10/16/about-suveica-in-canada/...
The Catholic Easter in 2021 was almost a month before the Orthodox Easter this year, so naturally, we had about a month to plan. In 2020, as the first lockdown...
First, we hear that it exists. Second, we hope it was a dream. Third, we don’t want to believe it. And, finally, the virus proved that it was able to...
In our culture, March 8th is as important as the Second Sunday of May in Canada. Furthermore, because in my culture we love to celebrate, we start with March 1st,...
Between Christmas and New Year, we spend time eating, drinking and start looking in the rear mirror to the year that is coming to an end. It is that time...