Ten years ago, I watched the first season of “The Amazing Race Canada,” and it became my dream to apply and be part of the show. Over the years, I watched season after season, taking notes and applying four times — once with a friend who shares my name, once with my older son, once with a coworker, and the last time with my youngest son. During the “President’s Breakfast” event, Jon Montgomery was invited as a speaker, and I made sure to be fully involved in the event, taking notes on the stories he shared. I even took the opportunity to take a picture with him and asked about the group combination that had the least number of applicants. He answered, but since I’m still applying, I’ll keep his response to myself!

I believe I have mastered the skill of manifesting wishes and intentions, and many aspects of my life demonstrate this. While some may call it “manifesting,” the label is not as important as the feeling that the wish has already come true. Despite not being selected for the “Amazing Race Canada” after ten years of applying, I remain determined to keep trying as long as the show runs. However, my intention to be on a show did come true when I was selected to be on a PrimeTV show called “How I Got Here” two years ago.

Premiering in October 2022, “HOW I GOT HERE” is a new TV series featuring North American-born Gen Z’s. They embark on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure as they travel with their immigrant parent back to their country of origin. During their journey, they immerse themselves in local customs and activities and reunite with important people from their parents’ past. In essence, the show is about parents taking their kids back to where their family roots began.

As we all know, the pandemic and lockdown gave us more time to stay at home and surf the internet. The algorithms of the internet know our preferences. Therefore, during the pandemic, I discovered a show that was looking for second-generation Canadian-born teens/young adults to go on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure and travel with their parents (or grandparents) back to their country of origin. In 2020, my only Canadian-born was not 18, and as much as I wanted to represent Romanian stories in the first season, that was not possible because I would not qualify.

Season One features stories from Slovakia, Zambia, Mexico, Serbia, Israel, and Zimbabwe.

I referred previously to 2022 as, “22 My lucky year.” Then, I applied with my youngest son, Aleck (born in Canada), for a casting call. We had to submit a picture of us together, as well as a 15-20 minute recording where both of us answered specific questions. Our application was sent in during the summer for the Season 2 casting. After Season 2 launched, I shared our experience of being on the show with “Omni TV,” “Cinemagia,” “TVR International,” and “Prima TV.” Unfortunately, all the recordings are in my native language. Since the experience is a once-in-a-lifetime story that I will always cherish, I thought it was worth sharing in a post.

Everything started on November 2022 when Aleck got the first email:

Hello Aleck
H.M.here.  I”m the Casting Director for How I Got Here.  Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out a profile. We really enjoyed it!
I would like to move you to the next stage in our casting process – a Zoom interview.  
This interview is just for you at this first stage as this journey would be seen through your eyes…

I will say Aleck did well during the interview because a month later, we got another email:

Hi Aleck and Gabriela,
Congratulations on making it to the next stage in the casting process! 
My name is S.K.and I’m a Casting Producer for HOW I GOT HERE.  I’d like to schedule zoom calls with you both (done separately) to get to know your personal stories and why you applied to the series. Each call will be approx. 40 minutes.
Here’s examples of questions I will ask in the calls….

Another month passed by and after the 40 minutes Zoom call, in December 2022 we got another email:

“Hello Aleck and Gabriela,   
I hope you are doing well.  
My name is J.M, I’m the Casting Coordinator at Forté Entertainment, it is a pleasure to meet you.   
For the next stage of your application, we’d love to set up a zoom call with the two of you where you can ask each other some fun questions. Please let me know some times next week when you would both be available for a quick call together?    
Additionally, would you please send us 5-10 photos of yourselves together? Please include at least 3 recent photos of yourselves together.  
Any photos that you have together which highlight your cultural heritage or help us to tell your story would be certainly appreciated as well. Any old family photos which display people or places that are central to your story, would be extremely helpful to us…

We left Ontario and celebrated Christmas and New Year’s Eve in British Columbia in 2022. We went skiing and spent the winter celebrations with a large group of other families. We had three weeks of fun and didn’t think about the application at all. When we came back, we were preparing for our vacation trip to Japan and Vietnam. However, a few days before we left Canada, we got the good news:

Hi Aleck & Gabriela,
Congratulations on being selected to participate in Season 2 HOW I GOT HERE! 
First question….

At the end of February, when this email arrived and we browsed the contract, we realized that the dream had become a reality. We will be part of a reality show!

Hi Aleck & Gabriela, 
I hope you’re both doing well. I wanted to let you know my colleague E, the Show Production Coordinator will be in contact with you shortly with the participant agreements…

I won’t go into all the details, but the contract was over 50 pages long. It included information releases and required comprehensive criminal and vulnerable sector checks for all the countries I’ve worked in. We agreed to have three weeks of continuous availability for filming between April and October. We decided on June and July because that’s when Aleck was available after finishing his university exams and going on vacation. The screening went well, and we chose June as our three-week filming period. In April, we met Andreea, our story producer, who is of Romanian descent and migrated to Canada with her family when she was a child.

Hi Gabriela, 
My name is Andreea and I will be the Story Producer on your episode of How I Got Here. I wanted to reach out and introduce myself and possibly connect with you when you have a moment to just say hello and chat about the upcoming filming. I am very much looking forward to learning more about you and Aleck and starting to piece your Romanian adventure together…

Andreea and I discussed how the story would unfold, our first steps in planning our Romanian trip, and what I wanted to show Aleck about his parents’ family and culture. We had frequent discussions about the next steps, and Andreea was my go-to person for any questions. As we approached the filming weeks, we received emails almost weekly, and other team members were introduced.

Gabriela, Aleck and Andrew, 
I wanted to formally introduce you to A. so you have each other’s contact information. 
As mentioned on our call, Andrew is the Associate Producer on the Romania episode of How I Got Here. He will be working alongside me to assist with the logistics of the filming, collecting further details and information from you where needed and generally just helping us build out the story and filming schedule. 
Thank you and please reach out to me as well if you have any questions. I will be checking my email while traveling. 


E., our Travel Coordinator has our flights on hold for Romania. 
We will depart…. Please let us know if the above dates work for you for the return or if you have decided to stay longer (I don’t think so, but checking anyway). E. can answer any questions you might have regarding travel. 


Hi Aleck and Gabriela, 
Just wanted to take a moment and give you some wardrobe notes on what works best for filming. People always want to know how to prepare for the camera and what to pack for the trip 🙂

JUNE 2023

In the weeks leading up to the filming, things started getting more serious. There were rules about what to wear and what we were not allowed to wear. I had to pick out what I would wear for each day of filming from my wardrobe, which was one of the most difficult parts for me. I have to admit that after spending hours in front of three team members who approved or disapproved of my outfit, I had a breakdown. But at that time, I didn’t fully realize the enormity of the project. It was during this process that I met B., our Field Producer, and J.M., our Director, who I have to say is responsible (in a nice way) for all my crying moments.

During the process, I was asked what I wanted to reconnect with in Romania. I had to decide which friends or relatives I wanted Aleck to meet, and explain why it was important. I chose to include my mom and dad as part of my family, but unfortunately, Aleck doesn’t have any living grandparents on his father’s side, and my sister no longer lives in Romania. Despite it being difficult, we also discussed the importance of family genealogy and touched on places, culture, and other aspects that I wasn’t able to show Aleck.

Although Aleck had visited Romania many times before, he had never been there with me in the 20 years we’ve known each other. He had always gone alone or with my mom when he was a child. As he said during his reflection, “That was a trip of our life together.

During the three weeks of filming, I observed an entire team come into our house, rearrange things, and shadow us (or vice versa) every hour of the day. I was pleasantly surprised by Lufthansa, as they treated us not just as a large team (the initial team from Canada consisted of 12 people, and 4 more team members joined us in Romania), but as a group of superstars. At Pearson, they assigned a team member to assist us, set up a special booth, and to our surprise, upgraded all of us to business class at the gate.

We arrived feeling fresh and happy, ready to start an amazing time filming in my home country, Romania. The Romanian crew welcomed us at the airport, and Aleck and I had a designated car full of cameras that would transport us during the trip (which was another surprise). The shocking part was that the car was identical in color and model to the one we had at home. It was a Jeep Cherokee, which was not a common car in Europe, let alone in Romania. I called it a coincidence!

When I left Romania to move to Canada, the only thing that stressed me out was: what if something happened with my parents and I would not be able to come back on time? I think it is an immigrant’s nightmare. Everything was in place and we were ready to go. However, two days before our departure, my mom was admitted to the hospital. Everything fell apart before my eyes. From excitement, I switched to stress and nonstop crying. I couldn’t concentrate and focus on what I had to do; all I was doing was thinking about her and waiting for the day to finish so I could call her. If I was close to Bucharest, I could take an Uber and go to the hospital (and I can confess now that I was doing it by hiding from the entire team, as I was not allowed to leave the hotel, except for filming). Five days before we ended our Romanian project, she was discharged from the hospital. Not only did I keep her at the hotel with us, but I was able to spend some quality time with her. We adapted to the situation, and even though she couldn’t be with us as initially planned, she was with us in the end. Life is full of surprises, and you need to pray and hope that all will be good and adapt to changes. As I hugged her the morning we came back to Canada, little did I know that would be the last time I would see her, the last five days I would spend with her (and we had so much fun), and the last time I would see her. Mom died on January 15, 2024, just a few days before Season 2 was aired with the first episode.

Thank you to the Forte Entertainment team for adding the picture and the message at the end of the “Romania – a secret departure” on such short notice.

Our episode was dedicated to my MOM.

I won’t share any spoilers about the episode, but if you have Prime Amazon in Canada, BYUTv, or Supper Channel in the USA or Mexico, you can watch Season 2—Episode 7. The filming took close to 100 hours, with countless hours of crying and an amazing journey. Despite each episode being around 60 minutes long, we had a fantastic team who made us feel comfortable and natural at all times. During a torrid summer, the team’s “MAKE IT MAGIC” attitude kept me going when I was out of tears and energy. Also, J.M. patiently conducted night interviews and made me cry again by asking questions about the day, always ready with the Kleenex box.

I want to express a BIG THANK YOU to the team that became like family to me! The experience was not only unique, but also something that I will always cherish. I could never have imagined what life would be like, despite the warning from the product manager before the trip, when I became the main character in a story about the country of my birth. To the entire team that took care of me back home, and to all 15 people who traveled with me and worked tirelessly from 7 AM to 10 PM – THANK YOU!

I want to express my gratitude to the ones I met along the journey and agreed to be part of my story: Grigore Cartianu, Alina Zară Prunean, Irina Savu, Elena Daniela Graura, and everyone else who I may have missed. I hope I did a good job, and I thank you for accepting my tears and emotions. This is the final result! Until then, I feel incredibly fortunate to have shared this experience with my baby boy, Aleck Covaci. In the end, the goal of the show was to celebrate each participating parent and child and their unique heritage, and in my opinion, we did so well. 

Life so far has been filled with loss, lessons, and triumphs. It has involved doubts, second guesses, and exploring the unknown. However, our biggest challenge was moving to Canada – leaving behind family, friends, and our homeland to build a new life from almost nothing here in Canada. Raised in a communist country, we were always very competitive. Once we set our minds on a goal, nothing could stop us. We strive to be the best and to raise our kids to be the best. With both good and bad experiences, we are not perfect, but we are certainly different!

Learn to wish for the moon and bring it down yourself, which is the best way to ensure happiness! 

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